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Title: Mercado de vinho no Brasil: segmento de mercado
Authors: FRANÇA, Amanda Mota de
SOUZA, Ana Karoliny
LISBOA, Andressa
SILVA, Juliana Tavares de Moura
Advisor: DINIZ, Francisco Hélio
type of document: Monografia
Keywords: Vinho;Segmentação de mercado
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: 166
Citation: FRANÇA, Amanda Mota de... [et al.]. Mercado de vinho no Brasil: segmento de mercado. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso Técnico em Administração) - Escola Técnica Estadual Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, Diadema, 2018
Abstract: In the following work will be approached the topic Wine Market Segmentation in Brazil, through the analysis of the image that the Brazilian consumer has of the wine. The main aspect of marketing to be addressed will be the study of segmentation. In the first chapter of the theoretical reference we will talk about the concept, portraying the history of the grape, the creation of wine in Brazil and the current situation of this segment in the country. In a second moment the characteristics of the manufacturing process, classification, storage, distribution and professionals that work in this area are presented. Still developing the theory about this subject, will be raised questions about how the image that the Brazilian consumer has of the wine, can indicate efficient marketing strategies, for expansion of this segment in the country. And finally, the case study carried out where we perform a quantitative analysis.
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso

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