Browsing by Author NERY, Rogerio Carnevali

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
TitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???TypeIssue Date
Caramel coffee dogGOMES, Alessandra de Moura; MELO, Djane Vanderlei de; NICANOR, Letícia Lima; JESUS, Verena Maria deSILVA, Eliana Josefa daPlano de Negócios20-Jun-2024
Coworking aka officeOLIVEIRA, Alice Amaral; SILVESTRE, Andressa Cerabando Forganes; CARDOSO, Karina Namie YamamotoSCOPINHO, Carlos Eduardo DezanPlano de Negócios20-Jun-2024